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#  Net flow meter calibration data
#   24 July 2015
#  Chief Scientist: Jesus Pineda (WHOI)
#  Co-Chief Scientists: Ste(Univ. of San D & Nathalie Reyns iUniv. of San Dego)
#   version:: 2016-03-15
index  season  date_local  year  month  day  time_local  time_gmt  ISO_DateTime_Local       comparison  station  depth_comment  lat_start  lon_start   lat_end   lon_end     flow_start  flow_end  distance  distance_gps  vol_filt  ctd_filename                
1      1       7/24/2015   2015  07     24   0915        1615      2015-07-24T09:15:00      4           2m       surface1       nd         nd          32.81053  -117.27060  217         1346      30.34     nd            0.95      CC1425009_20150724_161525   
2      1       7/24/2015   2015  07     24   0915        1615      2015-07-24T09:15:00      4           2m       surface2       nd         nd          32.81053  -117.27060  217         1346      30.34     nd            0.95      CC1425009_20150724_161525   
3      1       7/24/2015   2015  07     24   0915        1615      2015-07-24T09:15:00      4           2m       bottom1        nd         nd          32.81053  -117.27060  99          919       22.04     nd            0.69      CC1425009_20150724_161525   
4      1       7/24/2015   2015  07     24   0915        1615      2015-07-24T09:15:00      4           2m       bottom2        nd         nd          32.81053  -117.27060  99          919       22.04     nd            0.69      CC1425009_20150724_161525   
5      1       7/24/2015   2015  07     24   0956        1656      2015-07-24T09:56:00      4           4m       surface1       32.81024   -117.27196  32.81010  -117.27220  2440        3347      24.37     27            0.77      CC1425009_20150724_165644   
6      1       7/24/2015   2015  07     24   0956        1656      2015-07-24T09:56:00      4           4m       surface2       32.81024   -117.27196  32.81010  -117.27220  2440        3347      24.37     27            0.77      CC1425009_20150724_165644   
7      1       7/24/2015   2015  07     24   0956        1656      2015-07-24T09:56:00      4           4m       mid1           32.81024   -117.27196  32.81010  -117.27220  1113        1997      23.76     27            0.75      CC1425009_20150724_165644   
8      1       7/24/2015   2015  07     24   0956        1656      2015-07-24T09:56:00      4           4m       mid2           32.81024   -117.27196  32.81010  -117.27220  1113        1997      23.76     27            0.75      CC1425009_20150724_165644   
9      1       7/24/2015   2015  07     24   0956        1656      2015-07-24T09:56:00      4           4m       bottom1        32.81024   -117.27196  32.81010  -117.27220  1751        2354      16.20     27            0.51      CC1425009_20150724_165644   
10     1       7/24/2015   2015  07     24   0956        1656      2015-07-24T09:56:00      4           4m       bottom2        32.81024   -117.27196  32.81010  -117.27220  1751        2354      16.20     27            0.51      CC1425009_20150724_165644   
11     1       7/24/2015   2015  07     24   1035        1735      2015-07-24T10:35:00      4           8m       surface1       32.80996   -117.27693  32.81009  -117.27714  4254        5363      29.80     25            0.94      CC1425009_20150724_173550   
12     1       7/24/2015   2015  07     24   1035        1735      2015-07-24T10:35:00      4           8m       surface2       32.80996   -117.27693  32.81009  -117.27714  4254        5363      29.80     25            0.94      CC1425009_20150724_173550   
13     1       7/24/2015   2015  07     24   1035        1735      2015-07-24T10:35:00      4           8m       mid1           32.80996   -117.27693  32.81009  -117.27714  2049        3537      39.99     25            1.26      CC1425009_20150724_173550   
14     1       7/24/2015   2015  07     24   1035        1735      2015-07-24T10:35:00      4           8m       mid2           32.80996   -117.27693  32.81009  -117.27714  2049        3537      39.99     25            1.26      CC1425009_20150724_173550   
15     1       7/24/2015   2015  07     24   1035        1735      2015-07-24T10:35:00      4           8m       bottom1        32.80996   -117.27693  32.81009  -117.27714  3398        4229      22.33     25            0.70      CC1425009_20150724_173550   
16     1       7/24/2015   2015  07     24   1035        1735      2015-07-24T10:35:00      4           8m       bottom2        32.80996   -117.27693  32.81009  -117.27714  3398        4229      22.33     25            0.70      CC1425009_20150724_173550